Amelie was 7…. and recorded as a powerful swimmer, a budding violinist, a lover of circus skills, daredevil skier and beautiful.
Jarvis was 4…. and recorded as loving England football, mud, eating four weetabix and rude songs
Amelie will soon be 9….. her best friend is Iris and she loves Sylvian families, reading many types of books & magazines….I think boys but she wont say and she just got her first email address this week
Jarvis will soon be 6…. his best friend is Edward but they fight like cat ‘n’ dogs and he LOVES Star Wars LEGO…Match Attacks and Millie at School but he goes very shy if you mention this
I cannot believe it but Amelie will soon be 11..She’s really become powerfully independent and at times wistful. She still studies hard but fights like hell when it comes to Violin. She had her first ‘girls’ trip to Westfield
Jarvis will be 8…unlike his sister he still plays tricks to get out of homework..he wont tidy up his handwriting but his reading is great and he’s just gone up another swim class level when I know he’s not too keen on that. His Victoria Park football team are still undefeated
Wow – it feels like takeover time. Amelie (approaching 13) is more teched-up and savvy and confident and independent and comfortable in her own world….that doesnt need too much communication time with parents. I remember this moment in my own childhood and it took me until I was 32 (and of course having Amelie) to properly re-engage with Mom/Pops and give them the much due respect. We’ve lost some of our closeness and that genuinely breaks my heart
Jarvis (10 to be) is the one true ‘heart-melter’ – he only has a genuine mode. Nothing is false or over-engineered. If he likes it he likes it and the other stuff is just not for him. Similar to Amelie I feel for Jarvis and the genes he’s inherited from us. I’ve only just begun to find things that feel like me. I didn’t at 9 or 15(apart from a deep love of The Smiths) nor 23 in London nor 27 when in my first real professional role.
They both have great friends and they love their friends and thats beautiful, important, a great life-skill.
So “hang in there” kids and be kind x